Apexindo News
Apexindo Inaugurated SDN 001 Muara Badak’s Healthy Canteen
Balikpapan - Having good relationship with SDN (state elementary school) 001 Muara Badak since 2008, Apexindo continue its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program with the school that located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. In this year, Apexindo built a healthy canteen in the school to complete its facility in order to reach green elementary school predicate. The program itself is based on the assessment and recommendation of education and health department which stated the school need to improve its canteen facility.
The construction process started from early July 2022, and finished within 2 months and inaugurated by the Company in August 30, 2022. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Secretary of the Education Office of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Head of Education Service Unit of Muara Badak District, Head of Muara Badak District Health Center, Saliki Village Representative Body, Principal of SDN 001 Muara Badak, and General Manager Operations of PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk.
The Healthy canteen itself located next to the school’s classrooms, with 72 square meters of area and accommodate around 45 persons and 4 tenant in it. Now, the canteen is ready to use as the school’s facility to support the growth and health of all of the students, teachers and other school elements.
In its inauguration ceremony, Mr. Agus Sidianto whom the Company’s representative hope that the canteen can be used with all of school members and support the school’s vision to keep record more achievements in the future.
“The company decide to give support (to the school) because we see that we need to provide a healthy canteen and provide a facility to support the growth and healthy of its students by providing a healthy meal,” he said in the inauguration ceremony, Tuesday (30/8).
Secretary of the Education Office of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Hj. Maria Ester SE., MM., also appreciate the Company initiative to support SDN 001 Muara Badak and help the school to improve and become a learning example for another schools.
Appreciation also gave by the school’s principle, Mr. Rabani, S.Pd. In his speech, Mr. Rabani thanked to Apexindo for its support for the growth of the school, and help the school to record new achievements.
“Thanks to Apexindo that already help SDN 001 Muara Badak growing to a better school since 2008. Because of its supports, SDN 001 Muara Badak and its students manage to achieve a lot of achievement,” he said.
Sustainable Growth since 2008
SDN 001 Muara Badak has been part of Apexindo’s CSR since 14 years ago. Exactly in 2008, Apexindo help the school renovation by building new classrooms for the school that was named SDN Saliki. Apexindo also completing the school’s facility with the tables and chairs to be used by the students. Apexindo continue its support for the school in 2011 by providing Computer Laboratory and Library as the Company’s CSRs, built a prayer room in 2012 and provide integrated trash can and ‘live pharmacy’ in 2015. From its support, the Company helped SDN 001 Muara Badak to achieve a lot of achievement in local, regency and national level.
About Apexindo
• Apexindo is an Indonesian company which offering onshore and offshore drilling services to oil, gas, coal bed methane and geothermal exploration and production company.
• Apexindo is the first listed drilling company in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
• Apexindo operating its 5 offshore rigs, and 6 onshore rigs.
• Apexindo have more than 30 years experiences in drilling industry.
• Apexindo have more than 20 years experiences drilling in Mahakam Block.
Apexindo Won Best Achievement TKDN from PHE
Jakarta - As the Company’s commitment to maximize domestic workers over than expatriate in every the Company’s operational aspect. During the Vendor Day 2021 event that held by Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), Apexindo won an award as Best Achievement TKDN in PHE’s regional 3 operational area. PHE assess that Apexindo always scored more than its commitment during the tender process.
About Apexindo
• Apexindo is an Indonesian company which offering onshore and offshore drilling services to oil, gas, coal bed methane and geothermal exploration and production company.
• Apexindo is the first listed drilling company in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
• Apexindo operating its 5 offshore rigs, and 6 onshore rigs.
• Apexindo have more than 30 years experiences in drilling industry.
• Apexindo have more than 20 years experiences drilling in Mahakam Block.
Apexindo Renew Its ISO Certification
Jakarta - As the Company comitment which reflected in “Commited to Excellence” slogan, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk renews its three ISO certificate, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 dan ISO 45001:2018. This is the Company’s action to maintain our high quality standard in every operation of the Company.
Audit process to renew the Company’s certificate already finished by United Registrar System (URS) to the Company’s management in June 29 – 30, 2021. As the result of the audit process, URS conclude that Apexindo has very well ensured the suitability between the Company's processes and existing procedures. This new certificate be valid for three years, until 2024.
About Apexindo
• Apexindo is an Indonesian company which offering onshore and offshore drilling services to oil, gas, coal bed methane and geothermal exploration and production company.
• Apexindo is the first listed drilling company in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
• Apexindo operating its 5 offshore rigs, and 6 onshore rigs.
• Apexindo have more than 30 years experiences in drilling industry.
• Apexindo have more than 20 years experiences drilling in Mahakam Block.
Apexindo Secured US$13.7 Million Additional Contract from Pertamina
Jakarta – PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (“Apexindo”/”the Company”) has already started to spud-in in Barakuda-1X well using Raniworo rig. Barakuda-1X is an oil and gas well that managed by Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Anggursi which located in Java Sea. The project itself is coming from the amendment of agreement between the Company and Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan Company (PHENC), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Anggursi and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO).
The amendment is targeting to drill 3 (three) wells using Raniworo rig, which one of the well is in PHE Anggursi working area and the other 2 (two) wells is planned to drilled in PHE WMO working area. The contract for this project is worth for US$13.7 million. To make sure that Raniworo rig is in its best condition, the Company also did some maintenance and prepared the drilling project in a shipyard that located in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.
“Of course we are happy for this additional project which will lead to a positive increase in our rig utilization and revenue. This achievement is also along with our target to utilize all of our offshore rigs. As we know, Yani rig is currently in preparation before start working with Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) that scheduled in this second quarter. Meanwhile, Maera rig just started its high pressure high temperature drilling program with PHM in Tunu Field, Mahakam working areas,” said Pretycia Darma, General Manager Corporate Finance & Investor Relations Apexindo.
The Company is hoping supports from the Government in realizing the investment in the upstream oil and gas industry, and make sure the implementation of drilling program that has been scheduled. This also in line with the spirit and commitment of The Upstream Oil and Gas Business Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) which make sure there are no decline in this year oil and gas production, by doing a massive, aggressive and efficient. In the other hands, the Government also in commitment to increase the national industrial gas capacity. As an Indonesian company, Apexindo is ready to involve in the Government program to achieve the national lifting target.
The Government commitment also seen in the regulations that gives priority to Pertamina to manage oil and gas fields which already ended its contract with its lasts contractors. The cooperation between Apexindo and Pertamina group already started from a long time ago, since the Company established in 1984, which started with contracts to drill in the Bunyu, Donggi, and Suban onshore working areas. The additional contract that given by Pertamina for Raniworo rig is a proof that Pertamina is trusting our company, which also reflected in the contracts between the Company and Pertamina group for our swampbarge rigs and our another jack up rig, Tasha.
Ranioworo jack up rig is the first Indonesian flagged jack up rig in the world. This rig have a lot of drilling experiences in many working areas in Indonesia and also international working areas such as in Iran waters, Abu Dhabi, and Oman. Raniworo rig also holding a good record for working Mahakam working areas for 10 years.
Raniworo rig also have a good records with holding 15 years without lost time incident as long as its operation. This achievement is a world class records considering there are not many jack up rig that have a safety achievement for that long.
About Apexindo
• Apexindo is an Indonesian company which offering onshore and offshore drilling services to oil, gas, coal bed methane and geothermal exploration and production company.
• Apexindo is the first listed drilling company in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
• Apexindo operating its 5 offshore rigs, and 6 onshore rigs.
• Apexindo have more than 30 years experiences in drilling industry.
• Apexindo have more than 20 years experiences drilling in Mahakam Block.
On Thursday, December 10, 2020, Apexindo held its Public Expose for 2020 as compliance of Indonesian Stock Exchange regulation for listed company. In this annual Public Expose, due to Covid-19 pandemic situation, the Public Expose held electronically by zoom meeting. Although the meeting was held electronically, the stakeholders of the Company didn’t lose their enthusiasm to following the meeting.
More than 30 people attended the meeting, representing public and media. Various questions were also raised to understand the Company’s condition and its plans to face business competition in the next year.
Media Clipping
Apexindo Raih Kontrak Pengeboran US$14,8 Juta
Sampai dengan 26 Agustus 2024, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) berhasil memperoleh kontrak jasa pengeboran laut dari PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) senilai US$14,8 juta. Informasi tersebut disampaikan perseroan dalam siaran persnya di Jakarta, kemarin.
Mahar Atanta Sembiring, Direktur APEX mengemukakan, perseroan telah menerima Surat Perintah Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Mendahului Kontrak (SP3MK) untuk pekerjaan pengeboran laut di Wilayah Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur. SP3MK tersebut diterbitkan, menurut Mahar, adalah untuk pekerjaan dengan durasi selama 7 bulan terhitung sejak 20 Agustus 2024 hingga Maret 2025. “Perolehan kontrak ini akan berdampak positif terhadap utilisasi rig dan pendapatan operasional APEX,” tulis Mahar dalam laporannya.
Sebagai informasi, hingga semester pertama 2024, APEX membukukan pendapatan bersih sebesar US$42,57 juta, tumbuh 28,49% dari US$33,13 juta pada periode yang sama 2023. Meski pendapatan naik, laba APEX merosot 78,58% menjadi US$335.380 pada semester dibandingkan US$1,56 juta pada periode sama 2023. Penurunan laba APEX antara lain disebabkan oleh peningkatan beban usaha, beban pajak, dan rugi selisih kurs.
Total asset APEX per Juni 2024 sebesar US$257,08 juta, turun 0,06% dari US$257,24 juta per Desember 2023. Adapun jumlah liabilitas dan ekuitas APEX per Juni 2024, masing-masing US$191,89 juta dan US$65,18 juta. PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) bergerak di bidang jasa pengeboran darat dan lepas pantai untuk minyak dan gas, panas bumi, dan industri gas metana batubara. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1984 sebagai kontraktor pengeboran Indonesia. Apexindo melakukan Initial Public Offering (IPO) di BEI pada tahun 2002. Saat ini, Perseroan memiliki 5 rig lepas pantai, dan 6 rig darat. (bani)
From many sources, August 29, 2024
Apexindo (APEX) Rampungkan Private Placement via OWK, Nilainya Rp1,1 Triliun
IDXChannel - PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) mengumumkan realisasi penambahan modal skema private placement yang dilakukan melalui Obligasi Wajib Konversi (OWK) Tranche 1.
Total jumlah saham tambahan hasil private placement mencapai 612.838.095 saham APEX. Adapun private placement ini telah rampung pada Rabu 17 Juli 2024. Harga pelaksanaan ditetapkan senilai Rp1.846,63 per saham, sehingga total nilainya mencapai Rp1,1 triliun.
Dalam keterbukaan informasi, Kamis (18/7/2024), terdapat lima pemegang saham APEX yang masuk, dengan detil informasi sebagai berikut:
- HSBC BANK PLC: 102.885.341 saham
- QATAR NATIONAL BANK (Q.P.S.C.): 61.543.339 saham
- ACP I Trading LLC: 197.661.340 saham
- Conover Investments LP: 75.521.167 saham
- Pathfinder Strategic Credit II LP: 175.226.908 saham.
Dengan demikian, aksi korporasi ini menambah gemuk modal ditempatkan dan disetor perusahaan.
Dari semula modal 2,93 miliar saham, kini Apexindo memiliki 3,54 miliar saham yang masuk dalam modal ditempatkan dan disetor. (TSA)
From many sources, July 19, 2024
Mau Private Placement Rp1,6 Triliun, Apexindo (APEX) Raih Restu Investor
IDXChannel - PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) berencana melakukan penambahan modal melalui skema private placement senilai USD115 juta atau setara Rp1,63 triliun.
Rencana tersebut telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari investor dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) yang digelar pada 30 Mei 2024.
Dalam keterbukaan informasi BEI, Selasa (2/7/2024), manajemen APEX menjelaskan, tanggal pencatatan tambahan akan berlangsung pada 17 Juli 2024.
Adapun pemilik saham tambahan yang bakal dicatatkan adalah HSBC Bank PLC, Qatar National Bank, ACP I Trading LLC, Conover Investments LP dan Pathfinder Strategic Credit II LP dengan total saham 612.838.095.
Aksi korporasi emiten minyak dan gas (migas) ini dalam rangka pelaksanaan konversi Obligasi Wajib Konversi (OWK) Tranche 1 menjadi saham perseroan.
Perseroan bakal menerbitkan 612.838.095 saham tambahan dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp1.846.63 per saham. Sementara itu, nilai nominal saham tambahan Rp500 per saham.
From many sources, July 3, 2024
Kinerja Apexindo Pratama Duta (APEX) Terkerek Berkat Utilisasi Rig yang Naik
KONTAN.CO.ID-JAKARTA. PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) mencatatkan peningkatan kinerja keuangan sepanjang kuartal I 2024. Corporate Secretary APEX Frieda Salvantina mengatakan, terjadi peningkatan utilisasi rig pada tiga bulan pertama tahun ini.
"Faktor pendorong kinerja Perseroan di kuartal I 2024 adalah karena adanya peningkatan utilisasi di periode tersebut dibandingkan dengan kuartal I 2023," kata Frieda kepada Kontan, Rabu (12/6).
Tercatat, pendapatan APEX pada kuartal I 2024 mencapai US$ 23,78 juta atau tumbuh signifikan hingga 52,74% year on year (YoY) dibandingkan periode sama di tahun sebelumnya sebesar US$ 15,57 juta. Seiring kenaikan di sisi top line, APEX mencatatkan raihan positif di sisi bottom line dengan raihan laba bersih sebesar US$ 1,70 juta pada kuartal I 2024 atau tumbuh 64,79% YoY. Pada kuartal I 2023 lalu, laba bersih APEX tercatat sebesar US$ 1,03 juta.
Frieda menjelaskan, fluktuasi harga minyak yang terjadi dalam beberapa waktu terakhir tidak memberikan dampak secara langsung pada kinerja operasional maupun keuangan APEX di tahun ini.
"Hal ini karena dari sisi operasional, Perseroan perlu mengikuti proses tender sebelum mendapatkan pekerjaan dari klien di mana proses ini membutuhkan waktu," jelas Frieda.
Sementara itu, dari sisi kinerja keuangan, pendapatan APEX dari harga sewa harian rig (rig daily rate) telah disepakati dalam kontrak kerja antara Apexindo dan klien yang berlaku mengikat selama periode kontrak.
"Dengan demikian, Apexindo dan klien tidak serta merta dapat melakukan penyesuaian harga sewa rig dalam merespon situasi pasar," imbuh Frieda.
Meski tak merinci besaran belanja modal di tahun ini, Frieda memastikan dana akan dialokasikan untuk perawatan rutin rig-rig perusahaan. Selain itu, alokasi belanja modal juga diperuntukkan untuk reaktivasi rig-rig, khususnya rig darat terlebih jika memperoleh kontrak atau pekerjaan yang cocok.
Kontan, June 14, 2024
Apexindo (APEX) Private Placement Skema OWK Rp191,35 Miliar
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk. (APEX) akan melaksanakan private placement dengan harga pelaksanaan sebesar Rp1.846,63 per saham dan jumlah penambahan modal sebesar Rp191,35 miliar.
Corporate Secretary Apexindo Pratama Duta Frieda Slavantina mengatakan APEX melaksanakan private placement dalam rangka perbaikan posisi keuangan dan pelaksanaan kewajiban konversi atas Obligasi Wajib Konversi (OWK) yang diterbitkan oleh APEX berdasarkan Trust Deed tertanggal 19 Februari 2021. Jumlah saham tambahan yang dicatatkan adalah 103.623.569 saham dengan harga pelaksanaan sebesar Rp1.846,63 per saham.
Private placement akan dilaksanakan pada 27 Maret 2027 dan pencatatan dilakukan sehari setelahnya, yakni 28 Maret. Kemudian pemberitahuan hasil penambahan modal dijadwalkan pada 2 April 2024.
“Nominal saham tambahan adalah Rp500 per saham,” kata Frieda dalam keterbukaan informasi, dikutip Rabu (20/3/2024).
Adapun jumlah OWK Tranche I sebesar US$115 juta atau sekitar Ro1,63 triliun. Jumlah tersebut ekuivalen dengan 886.616.666 saham setelah dikonversi. Setelah pelaksanaan private placement, jumlah modal saham ditempatkan dan modal disetor APEX akan meningkat dari 2.830.004.997 lembar saham, menjadi sebanyak 2.933.628.566 lembar saham.
Mengutip website resmi APEX, OWK Tranche 1 wajib dikonversikan menjadi saham biasa disetor penuh di perusahaan mewakili 25 persen dari modal saham perusahaan dengan basis dilusi penuh, dengan sejumlah 886,61 juta lambar.
OWK Tranche 2 sebesar US$70.842.286 sebagaimana dikonversikan menjadi Rp1 triliun. OWK Tranche 2 wajib dikonversi menjadi 109.684.536 saham biasa disetor penuh di perusahaan. Di sisi lain, pada perdagangan hari ini pukul 11.55 WIB, saham APEX berada di level Rp191 per saham atau naik 3,24%.
Sepanjang perdagangan, saham bergerak di level Rp184 hingga Rp194 per saham. Kapitalisasi pasar tercatat sebesar Rp540,53 miliar dengan PER sebesar 23,77 kali dan PBVR sebesar 0,52 kali.
From many sources, March 20-21, 2024
Gallery of Events
- May 30, 2024, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholder (AGMS) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder (EGMS) by electronic and off line in Apexindo Multifunction Room in Jakarta. In this EGMS, all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company were reappointed, and Bapak Sofwan Farisyi was added as a new Director of the Company.
- June 20, 2024, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk celebrate its 4th decade of the Company establishment. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the Company held various activities which participated by all of the Company’s employee, and crew from the Company’s rigs and yards.
- On August 16, 2024 Apexindo celebrated the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which was attended by all Apexindo employees and companies under the Aserra Group. Take place at the Apexindo Multifunction room, this year's celebration was enlivened by various competitions such as a domino tournament, table tennis tournament, sarong race, UFO glass competition, and belly balloon competition.
- December 5, 2024, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk held its Annual Public Expose by virtual from Apexindo Head Office, Jakarta.